05 Sep Reverse Step Up
HOW: Position yourself standing in front of a step. Place one leg behind you on the step with your toes pushing into the top of the step. Push into the step while keeping your body and other leg straight and finish on top of...
05 Sep Rear Foot Elevated Squat – TRX
HOW: Face away from the high TRX anchor and place one foot in both of the loops. The loop should be around the middle of your foot. Keep all of the weight in the standing leg. Bend the knee as you slightly bend your...
28 Aug Copenhagen T – On Knees, Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with one knee bent on top of a bench and the other bend below the bench on the ground. Have your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front...
28 Aug Copenhagen T – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with one foot on top of a bench and the other below the bench on the ground. Keep your knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in...
17 Aug Tempo Split Stance Lunge – Band
HOW: Begin by placing a band around your knees just above your knee cap. Place one foot in front and the other leg extended back with your back toes pushing into the ground. Keeping your torso straight up, lunge forward and down for 5...
02 Jul Slider Lunge – Anterior, Lateral, Posterior
HOW: Begin in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Shift most of your weight to the leg without the slider. Perform a small squat by bending your knee and hinging forward at the hips while you slide your foot forwards, laterally,...
26 Jun Goblet Squat – Heels Elevated
HOW: Place two weight plates on the ground. Place your heels on the edge of each plate. Hold a kettlebell up at your chest with your elbows in. From this position, perform a squat by bending at the knees and hinging forward at the...
13 Jun Rotational Hop In Place – Inside, Quarter Turn
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. All in one motion, bend down and push into the ground and jump straight up. As you are jumping up rotate your body in...
13 Jun Rotational Hop In Place – Half Turn, Outside
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. All in one motion, bend down and push into the ground and jump straight up. As you are jumping up rotate your body in...
13 Jun Rotational Hop In Place – Half Turn, Inside
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. All in one motion, bend down and push into the ground and jump straight up. As you are jumping up rotate your body in...