HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Move your foot and...

HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, then push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. The wider you are...

HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees slightly bent and your feet spread apart. Drive your heels into the ground lifting your hips up as high as you can go. Use your hamstrings and core to hold that position for as...

HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position with a slider underneath the foot that is up. Hold onto a dowel with the opposite arm to assist you with balance. Slowly straighten the leg onto the slider. Apply pressure through your heel as you’re straightening the...

HOW: Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Push your toes into the ground and raise your heels. From here, drive your knees as far forward as you can. As your knees and hips come forward, your chest and...

HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Step backwards with one leg...

HOW: Start in a kneeling position with a swissball in front of you. Place your forearms and hands on top of the ball and slowly roll the ball out while keeping your back flat. Push into the ball and bring it back in when...

HOW: Place a kettlebell on the ground in between your legs. Hinge forward at the hips, slightly bend your knees, and keep your back flat. Reach down with both hands and grab a hold of the kettlebell. While keeping your back parallel with the...

HOW: Start by lying on your side with your legs together and straight. Support your head with your bottom arm or by using a pillow. While keeping your legs together, lift both of your legs off of the ground and then back down in...

HOW: Lying on your side, straighten your legs out with your feet on top of each other and have your elbow on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Push into the ground with your feet and elbow and lift your hips up to where...
