HOW: Inside the hex bar, find your “power stance” with your feet staggered shoulder width apart. We will then stagger our foot by placing the toes of one foot in line with the middle  of the other foot. The foot in the back will...

HOW: Inside the hex bar, find your “power stance” with your feet shoulder width apart. Grab the bar in the middle of each handle. Slightly bend your knees, chest up, and pull the bar up by pushing into the ground and squeezing your hips...

HOW: Grab a hex bar with your hands in line with the bar that holds the weight. Keeping your chest up and shoulders back, walk forwards as you carry the bar.    FEEL: You should feel your upper traps working as well as your forearm...

HOW: Get set-up holding a hex bar with the desired weight. To perform the exercise, squat to the desired depth (ideally until the weights touch the ground), return to starting position and repeat.   FEEL: This will feel like a full lower body workout as...

HOW: Get set-up holding a hex bar with the desired weight. To perform the exercise, begin with a partial squat followed by performing a jump. Demonstrated in the video is performing consecutive jump squats, however, if performing for the first time or working on...
