HOW: In a seated position focus on tucking your chin towards the front of the upper part of your neck. Think about creating a "double chin".   FEEL: You will feel the muscles in the front of your neck activating. You may feel a stretch...

HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, hinge back at your hips until your butt and heels are touching or close to it- this will round your low back slightly. While keeping the rest of your body still, round your mid back followed...

HOW: Start this exercise on your back in a 90/90 position, with your knees over your hips and your arms in front of your shoulders. Keep the small of your back pushed into the floor by activating your core. While maintaining core activation, perform...

HOW: Place your hands against an elevated surface, lean into the surface so that most of your body weight is in your arms. Then perform the traditional cat cow by arching and tucking your tailbone.   FEEL:  This should feel like a global stretch to...

HOW: Position yourself standing in a corner with your back to it, or with a wall, chair, or sturdy object near you. Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. While maintaining your balance, turn your head...

HOW: Get set up seated upright with your hands supported on your thighs. Begin the exercise by rotating your upper body side-to-side and repeat, listen to the video for tips and cues. As you rotate your body to the right, push your left shoulder...

HOW: Get set up seated upright with your hands supported on your thighs. Begin the exercise by rounding your upper body and head/neck forward, letting your spine bend forward as your hands slide down your thighs. Reverse the motion to sit upright nice and...
