Cat Cow – Thoracic Spine Bias

  • HOW: Get set-up on your hands and knees, hinge back at your hips until your butt and heels are touching or close to it- this will round your low back slightly. While keeping the rest of your body still, round your mid back followed by slowly arching your mid back. Repeat
  • FEEL: When you round your back, you should feel like you’re pushing your chest away from the ground by pushing through your hands. You should also be performing a posterior pelvic tilt with rounding your back, thus your back looks like a cat. When arching your back, you should feel like your chest is dropping towards the ground, but you don’t want to bend at your elbows, keep your arms straight. You should also be performing an anterior pelvic tilt with arching your back, thus your back and head make the shape of a camel.

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