20 Sep Incline Adductor Side Plank
HOW: Set up an elevated surface that you will lean onto. The lower the surface the more challenging the plank will be. Place your elbow on the surface and make sure your feet, hips, and shoulders are in line with each other. Lift your...
16 Feb Standing Psoas March – Knees Bent, Band, Alternating
HOW: Start by looping a band around the middle of your feet. In a standing position, lean into a wall with both hands. Slightly bend both of your knees and bring one knee up towards the wall, slowly, while keeping the other knee bent...
17 Oct Curtsey Step Up
HOW: Stand in front of an elevated surface. Begin the exercise by stepping up onto the elevated surface and over and beyond the other foot (if stepping up with the left, place the left foot to the right of your right foot). Stand tall...
17 Oct Curtsey Step Down
HOW: Begin by standing on an elevated surface. While balancing on one foot, slowly lower yourself down and reach behind and past the foot that is on the elevated surface (if standing on left foot, reach behind and to the left past your left...
03 Jun Lateral Lunge – Alternating
HOW: Take a step out to the right into a lateral lunge position. Then, pull the rest of your body over your right leg through using the muscles on the inside of your thigh. Next, take a step out to the left and repeat...