08 Dec Thread the Needle – Pigeon, Bench
HOW: Assume a standing position at a bench, with the bench at a 30 or 45 degree incline. Rotate your hip into maximum external rotation to then prop your shin, knee, and thigh onto the bench with your chest facing the bench Sink forward...
20 Sep Piriformis Soft Tissue Mobilization – Lacrosse Ball
HOW: Place a lacrosse ball on the ground. Keep the ball off any bones and sit on the ball. Cross the leg you are rolling over the other knee. Apply pressure to your glute with your bodyweight and roll around to help release any...
29 May Rearfoot Elevated RDL – Band
HOW: Get set up by placing the middle of a band underneath the bottom of one foot. Grab onto that band with both hands. Place the opposite foot up onto an elevated surface behind you with your toes pushing down into it and your...
23 Mar 90/90 Hip Lift Off – Rotating
HOW: Get in a seated position on the ground with one knee straight from your keeping your lower leg pointing in creating a 90 degree angle. Position your other knee out out to the side with your lower leg pointing straight back. From here,...
23 Mar 90/90 Hip Lift Off – Internal Rotation, External Rotation
HOW: Get in a seated position on the ground with one knee straight from your keeping your lower leg pointing in creating a 90 degree angle. Position your other knee out out to the side with your lower leg pointing straight back. Stay in...
25 Jul Split Stance Lunge
HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Bend both knees and shift most of your weight to the front leg. Push back into the ground and return to...
26 Jun Single Leg Airplane
HOW: In a standing position, hinge forward at the hips and shift your weight to one leg. Kick the other leg straight back and raise your arms up straight overhead at the same time. When you are forward as much as you can tolerate,...