16 May Reverse Hyperextension
HOW: Start by lying face down on a stable surface. Slide your hips off of the table or bench. The front of your hips should be on the edge of the surface. Stabilize your upper body with your arms. Put your legs together and...
16 May Prone Glute Squeeze
HOW: Start by lying face down. Put your toes into the ground. Squeeze your glutes rotating your hips down to the ground. Hold that contraction for the prescribed amount of time, then relax. Imagine trying to pinch something between your butt cheeks. FEEL: You...
16 May Hip Thrust – Barbell
HOW: Start by leaning back with the bottom on your shoulder blade on the edge of a bench or step. Pad the barbell over your groin region. Bring your feet flat on the ground bending your knees to around 90 degrees of flexion. Draw...
13 May Single Leg Supine Clam – Band
HOW: Lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground. Loop a band around your knees. While keeping one knee stable, push the band out with the other knee until you feel the most resistance and return...
13 May Downward Dog – Alternating Leg
HOW: Start on your hands and knees. Your arms directly below your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Find your neutral spine by slightly arching your back and then reverse that arch to create a dip in your back. Once you're back to...
09 May Bear Crawl Fire Hydrant – Band
HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Loop the band around your thighs just above your knees. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the...
09 May Jefferson Curl – Kettlebell
HOW: While standing on an elevated surface, keep your feet together and hold the kettlebell in front of you with your arms relaxed. Slowly, lower the kettlebell down your legs without bending your knees. Roll yourself from the top down and try to bend...
09 May Eccentric Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Swissball
HOW: While lying supine, bend your knees up and place your heels on the swissball. With one leg, push down into the ball lifting your hips up. When your torso is in line with your knee, slowly let the swissball roll away from you.....
09 May Sidelying Hip Abduction – Extra Range
HOW: Using a weight bench, place your elbow on the bench directly below your shoulder. Bend your knee and place it on the bench. Lift your hips up in the air to form a side plank position, then straighten out the top leg. Engage...
08 May Posterior Lunge To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Step back with one leg. Keeping your weight on your front leg, drive into the ground and push yourself back up into a single leg balance position. FEEL: Feel your glutes and your quads of your front leg working. COMPENSATION: Don’t push with...