HOW: Get set-up sitting upright. With your elbow straight, position your wrist in a neutral position with your palm facing up. While maintaining your forearm and wrist position with the side you want to target, hold a flexbar in both hands, rotate the flexbar...

HOW: Start on the black side of a BOSU. You should be able to easily perform single leg squats before trying this progression. Using a ball (or any other small object), drop the ball and quickly attempt to catch the ball. The lower you...

HOW: Get set-up sitting upright with a surface next to you to support your elbow and forearm. With your elbow flexed to 90˚, position your wrist in 20-30˚ of extension with your palm facing down, and your hand unsupported at the edge of the...

HOW: Use a frictionless surface (ie magazine on carpet, pillow cloth on hardwood) under one foot - this will be the moving foot. Keeping all your weight on your opposite leg, slowly lower yourself and slide your foot out. Squeeze the inside part of...

HOW: Start in the half kneeling position with the leg closest to the wall/anchor up. Grab the band with your close arm palm down, and your far arm palm up. Keeping your core and hips engaged and strong the whole time, slowly lift the...
