03 Apr Shoulder Scaption – AAROM, Dowel
HOW: Grab a stick or dowel with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders. The shoulder being stretched will be on top with an underhand grip while the moving hand will be below with an overhand grip. In a standing position, push the arm...
18 Jun Prone Shoulder Extension- AAROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying on your stomach holding a dowel with both hands and palms facing down. From this position, lift the dowel up off your hips initiating the movement by thinking about pulling apart the dowel to further assist with shoulder extension. FEEL: You should...
23 Mar Split Stance Lunge Turns – Dowel
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding a stick or club on the front of your shoulders supported by both hands. Keep your back flat as you step forwards with one leg slightly bending the knee while keeping the other leg straight back...
07 Aug Prone Overhead Lift Off – PVC
HOW: Begin by lying flat on your stomach with your arms up overhead. Grab onto a dowel or stick with both hands and your shoulders comfortably apart. From here, squeeze your shoulder blades and lift the dowel straight up as high as you can...
26 Jun Half Kneeling Hamstring Glider
HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position with a slider underneath the foot that is up. Hold onto a dowel with the opposite arm to assist you with balance. Slowly straighten the leg onto the slider. Apply pressure through your heel as you’re straightening the...
26 Jun Hamstring Glider
HOW: Start in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Hold onto a dowel with the hand opposite side to the foot with the slider. Begin to slide back while keeping your knee straight. Load the other leg’s heel, push into the...
05 Jun Supine Shoulder External Rotation at 45deg – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lying on your back, place one elbow 45 degrees out from your side. If 0 degrees was at your side, and 90 degrees was at shoulder height, 45 degrees would be in the middle of that. If needed, place a towel roll underneath...
05 Jun Supine Shoulder Internal Rotation at 45deg – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lying on your back, place one elbow 45 degrees out from your side. If 0 degrees was at your side, and 90 degrees was at shoulder height, 45 degrees would be in the middle of that. If needed, place a towel roll underneath...
27 May Triceps Stretch – Dowel
HOW: While standing, place one hand behind your neck with your elbow pointing up. Place the other hand behind your low back holding a dowel that connects up to your hand behind your head. Pull down with the lower hand and hold that stretch. ...
27 May Standing Shoulder External Rotation Stretch – Dowel
HOW: Start in a standing position. One hand holds the dowel in front of you and the other hand holds the dowel with your thumb pointing towards the ground, elbow up in the front, and the dowel applying some pressure on the outside of...