16 May Hip Thrust – Barbell
HOW: Start by leaning back with the bottom on your shoulder blade on the edge of a bench or step. Pad the barbell over your groin region. Bring your feet flat on the ground bending your knees to around 90 degrees of flexion. Draw...
16 May Rack Pull Deadlift
HOW: Inside the rack machine, place the barbell just above knee height (or whatever height is prescribed). Find your “power stance”, or the stance you would set up in if you were told to jump as high as you can. This is your starting...
05 Apr Nordic Hamstring Curl – Band Assist, Barbell
HOW: Place a resistance band above the rig. The thicker the resistance band, the more support you will have. Use heavy weights on the barbell, and set it up behind the rig. Place a sleeve over the barbell as well as a soft surface...
31 Mar Pendlay Row
HOW: From a standing position lean your trunk to grab onto the barbell with both hands. While holding the hinge, perform a barbell row by driving your elbows back towards your back pockets and hands to your sides. Repeat. Nothing should be moving from...
31 Mar Bent Over Row – Barbell
HOW: From a standing position lean your trunk to grab onto the barbell with both hands. While holding the hinge, perform a barbell row by driving your elbows back towards your back pockets and hands to your sides. Repeat. FEEL: This should feel like...
31 Mar Seal Row – Barbell
HOW: Use an elevated surface to allow your arms to be completely straight in front of you. While keeping your chest supported, perform a barbell row. Initiating the motion with your shoulder blade - think about bringing your elbow to your back pocket. FEEL:...
05 Dec Good Morning – Barbell
HOW: Get a barbell set up on your upper back, a low-mid bar position will be better than a high bar position pending on how far you hinge forward. With your feet hip width apart, perform a hip hinge while maintaining a relative neutral...
04 Dec Shrug – Barbell
HOW: Stand holding onto a barbell with your hands spread apart. While. Pull your shoulder blades up and back. control the motion down and repeat. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the top back portion of the shoulder blade working with this exercise. ...
21 Nov Kneeling Thoracic Spine Extension Mobilization
HOW: Get set up first by placing a barbell around thigh height on a rack. You can also perform this exercise on a box, bench, or any other object around that height. Then get down on both knees and place the end of your...
21 Nov Kneeling Lat Mobilization – External Rotation, Dowel
HOW: Get set up first by placing a barbell around thigh height on a rack. You can also perform this exercise on a box, bench, or any other object around that height. Grab a dowel or PVC pipe with your palms face UP just...