Anatomy lesson: Your lumbar spine is connected to your sacrum (tailbone), which sits between two innominates or 'hip bones' to make up your pelvis; and collectively= lumbo-pelvic region. 'Lumbopelvic dissociation', is an essential movement we perform everyday, whether it's sitting down or standing back up, squatting into our cars, hitting the club on the weekend, or to pick up an object from the ground.
You can imagine how important it is for our femurs to move on our stabilized pelvis or vice versa with our spine being protected without excessive motion due to lack of stability or dissociation. For all you pet-lovers out there if you're having trouble performing this movement, imagine that you have a tail and move it straight-up into the air, followed by a sad dog tucking-their-tail movement!
LBP is often associated with changes in motor control. Some subgroups of LBP have been argued to have a compromised ability to dissociate lumbopelvic movement from that of the thoracolumbar junction. This exercise is a great way to build lumbo-pelvic control!
1️⃣The band is used as a resistance cue to push into with your lumbar spine into flexion/posterior tilt your pelvis.
2️⃣Perform a few repetitions and then attempt to find neutral spine.
3️⃣Progress to performing this without any resistance cue.
❌There is no need to move so much as the thoracic spine as shown at the end of the video!!!
Another option is to rock back (as if you are going into a child’s pose) while maintaining the neutral spine position to add a dynamic component to this exercise (Check out episode 47 for this)
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