17 Jun Carry – Horizontal Kettlebell
HOW: Begin by holding the handle of a kettlebell with your elbow bent and the bottom of the kettlebell facing away from you. From this position, keep your elbow bent challenging the elbow flexors and forearm muscles as you walk forward for the given distance. ...
12 Mar Hand Doming – Rubberband
HOW: Place a rubber band around the tip of your thumb, cross the band each time as you go over the tip of each finger. The closer the band is to the tip of your fingers, the more resistance you’ll feel. Slightly extend your wrist...
30 Jun Tennis Ball Squeeze
HOW: Hold a tennis ball in your hand, squeeze the tennis ball as hard as you can with your fingers and your thumb. Relax and repeat FEEL: You should feel your hand, wrist, and forearm muscles working. If you squeeze hard enough, you may...
29 Mar Wrist Flexion – Elbow Straight, Flexbar
HOW: Get set-up sitting upright holding a flexbar with both hands. On the side you want to exercise, position your elbow in full extension, palm facing up, and your wrist in a neutral position. While maintaining this position, rotate the flexbar towards you with...