29 Dec Prone Press Up – Arms High
HOW: Get set-up laying on your stomach with your elbows just above shoulder height, let your forehead rest on top of your hands. Perform a chin tuck to lengthen your neck in attempt to get your neck parallel to the ground. While maintaining this...
29 Dec Half Kneeling Pallof – Press, Band Above
HOW: Get set-up in a half kneeling position with a band anchored above your head to the side of you and the knee that is further away from the band anchor down on the ground. You can place something under your knee for comfort...
29 Dec Chair Crab Isometric Hold
HOW: Get set-up sitting on the edge of a chair with your hands to the side of you on the outside edges of the chair. Firmly grasp the chair and using your upper body, lift your bottom off of the seat. If it is...
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