HOW: Start by lying on your back. Bring your legs together and shift them both to one side.  With the leg that was moved to the inside, point your toes down and in. Bring that knee up towards your chest as you move your...

HOW: Start by lying on your back. While keeping your knee straight, move your leg out to the side. Rotate your foot out and point your toes down.  From this position, bring your knee up towards your chest as you rotate your lower leg...

HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Loop the band around your thighs just above your knees. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the...

HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the bear crawl position.  While keeping the knee bent, kick out with...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position.  Move your back up taking your hands off of the ground.  As your back is moving up, bring one foot forward in the half kneeling position.  Squeeze your glutes and try to bring your hips as forward as...

HOW: Using a weight bench, place your elbow on the bench directly below your shoulder. Bend your knee and place it on the bench. Lift your hips up in the air to form a side plank position, then straighten out the top leg. Engage...

HOW:  Step backwards and out to the side like you were to perform a curtsey. Keep your weight on your front leg. Drive up and come to standing on one leg on the way back.   FEEL:  You should feel a good glute stretch and...

HOW:  Step backwards and out to the side like you were to perform a curtsey, lower yourself into a lunge position and repeat without taking another step. Keep most of your weight on your front leg, use the back leg for balance.   FEEL:  You...

HOW: Bring one leg up and relax the ankle on the opposite knee. Let gravity pull your knee down to stretch your hip. For more of a stretch, use your hand to push your knee down.   FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your...

HOW: Cross one leg and place the outside of your lower leg on the elevated surface. If you feel a stretch in that position, hold for the prescribed time. If you need more of a stretch, bend the opposite knee to lower yourself and...
