HOW: Begin by sitting on a chair, couch, or bench. Tuck the hands behind you or cross the arms across the body.    Keeping the ribs down toward the pelvis, bring the chest towards the knees. Take a breath in as the chest comes towards the knees....

HOW: Sit on a Swissball with your knees wider than your hips. Rest your feet on the ground and your hands on a chair in front of you. Lean forward so that your head is resting on your hands. Taking a breath in through the...

HOW: Begin by sitting on the floor with the knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Get your spine tall and straighten your arms at your side. Lift the front of the foot of both legs. Keeping a right angle at the knee, lift...

HOW: Get set up sitting on a surface that is ideally positioned at the bottom of your ideal squat depth. Begin by sitting on the surface supported with your feet positioned in your ideal squat stance and form. To perform the exercise, shift your...

HOW: Get set up in a seated position with your leg crossed over the other. The leg that is crossed is the foot/ankle you are going to be working on. With your foot/ankle in a neutral position, try to push your foot outward using...

HOW: Get set up in a seated position with your leg crossed over the other. The leg that is crossed is the foot/ankle you are going to be working on. With your foot/ankle in a neutral position, try to push your foot inward using...
