22 Aug Ankle Dorsiflexion And Plantarflexion AROM – Ball
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a ball underneath your foot. Roll your foot to where your heel is in the front and your toes are pointing up. Follow that by rolling backwards on the back to end with your toes pushing into...
22 Aug Ankle Circle – Ball
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a ball underneath your foot. Roll your foot to the outside of the ball, then forwards putting your heel on the front of the ball, then the inside of your foot back to the starting position making...
07 Aug Seated Ankle Pump
HOW: Start in a seated position with your feet flat on the ground. From here, push into the ground with your toes lifting your heels up, followed by returning to the starting position and lifting your toes off the ground. Alternate bringing your heels...
07 Aug Single Leg Squat – Ankle Dorsiflexion Bias, Wall Supported
HOW: Position yourself facing a wall. Shift your weight to one leg. Bend that knee and squat down with your knee going towards the wall over your toes. Push back into the ground and return to the starting position once you’ve reached a depth...
07 Aug Single Leg Squat + Row
HOW: Anchor bands around waist height. Face the bands and have one in each hand. Walk away from the anchor to create some tension in the band. Hold the bands out at about chest height and shift your weight to one leg. From here...
25 Jul Squat Hold – Heel Raise
HOW: Start by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, hinge forward slightly at the hips and squat down to a comfortable position. While holding this squat, push into the ground with your toes and raise your heels off of...
03 Jul Calf Soft Tissue Mobilization – Lacrosse Ball
HOW: Begin in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you. Place a lacrosse ball underneath your calf muscle. With your hands on the ground push into the ground to allow your body weight to push into the ball. Move...
26 Jun 4 Way Ankle Isometrics
HOW: In a seated position, bend one knee up and place your heel on the ground with your toes up. While keeping your foot and ankle still, use your hand to apply pressure to your foot as you try to move it up, down,...
13 Jun Single Leg Pogos – Frontal
HOW: While standing, shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the opposite knee bent causing lifting your foot off of the ground. From this position, raise your heel off the ground pushing the balls of your feet into the...
13 Jun Single Leg Rotational Depth Drop – Inside
HOW: Begin by standing close to the edge of an elevated surface. With the outside leg, bring it up and over as you rotate your body 90 degrees, step off, and leg with that leg. FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your...