HOW: Lay off of the edge of a table or couch. Have your arms hanging down and your chest hanging off of the edge while you keep your neck in line with your spine and gaze down. From here, keep your arms straight as...

HOW: Lay off of the edge of a table or couch. Have your arms hanging down and your chest hanging off of the edge while you keep your neck in line with your spine keep your gaze down. From here, point your thumbs up...

HOW: Get set-up flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground with the knees bent at approx. 90 degrees. While maintaining a flat low back, push into the ground to bridge up and lift your hips off the ground. Your body...

HOW: Begin this exercise upright. Keep the hand of the side to be stretched behind your back. Bring your nose towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing my nose going to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, sidebend...

HOW: Begin this exercise upright. Keep the hand of the side to be stretched behind your back. Bring your ear towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing the Left ear to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, sidebend...
