22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Static
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You...
17 Aug Tempo Split Stance Lunge – Band
HOW: Begin by placing a band around your knees just above your knee cap. Place one foot in front and the other leg extended back with your back toes pushing into the ground. Keeping your torso straight up, lunge forward and down for 5...
20 May Backward Walking – Hurdle, Uninvolved Leg
HOW: Using cones, lines, hurdles, or any other object, slowly step over each object with your uninvolved leg. As you take a step with your involved leg, work on “staying strong” and squeezing your glutes and quadriceps as you make contact with the ground....