HOW: Drive one knee up at a time while moving your opposite arm up with the knee. Add a slight hop with the leg on the ground and straighten your leg out as the foot comes back down to the ground. Perform this going...

HOW: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Keep both feet entirely on the ground throughout the movement. Place your hands in front of you about shoulder height to help counterbalance your weight. Hinge forward at the hips, and bend your knees as you...

HOW: Drive one knee up at a time while moving your opposite arm up with the knee. Add a slight hop with the leg on the ground and perform this going in a forward motion for the prescribed amount of reps. It is key...

HOW: Start by getting a step set up in front of you. Place one leg up on top of the step. From here, shift your weight forward onto the leg on top of the box as you roll onto the toe of your back...

HOW: Set up a step on the ground. Step up onto the step with one leg and then drive the opposite leg into a 90 degree angle at the knee and the hip. From here, shift your weight forward on the stance leg, bending your...

HOW: Set up a small step on the ground. Step up onto the step with one leg as you bring the other leg up bending the knee and your hip into a 90 degrees angle each. As you drive your knee up, raise your...

HOW: Set up a step on the ground. Step up onto the step with one leg as you bring the other leg up into a runners position with the knee and hip at 90 degrees.Touch the toe of the drive leg back to the...

HOW: Begin with a small step set on the ground. Using one side edge of the step, step up forward with the leg closest to the step bringing the outside leg’s knee up into a runner’s position. From here, bend your inside knee and...

HOW: Begin in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for this squat. Five seconds to bend...

HOW: Loop a band just above your knees in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for...
