26 Aug Single Leg Hop
HOW: Start with one leg on the ground. Load the weight bearing leg to jump as high as you can. Control the landing, and pause prior to performing the next repetition. FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your leg working to control...
20 Aug Single Leg Heel Raise – Wall Squat
HOW: Get set-up with your back supported against a wall and your feet about a foot away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the ground until ideally your thighs are parallel to the ground, your knees should be positioned over...
20 Aug Heel Raise – Wall Squat
HOW: Get set-up with your back supported against a wall and your feet about a foot away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the ground until ideally, your thighs are parallel to the ground, your knees should be positioned over...
20 Aug Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch, let the knee be bent and keep it bent. While keeping the foot you stepped...
20 Aug Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Straight
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee straight, and...
20 Aug Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Dynamic
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch, let the knee be bent and keep it bent. While keeping the foot you stepped...
20 Aug Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Straight, Dynamic
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee straight, and...
10 Aug Tibial Rotation – Knee Movement
HOW: Get set-up seated on the edge of a surface with your feet hanging off at a 90˚ angle. To begin the exercise, rotate your ankle and shinbone out as far as you can while keeping this position kick the leg straight until your...
09 Aug Anterior Step Down To Posterior Lunge
HOW: Get set-up balancing on one foot on an elevated surface. Begin the exercise by reaching forward with the foot that is in the air and letting your hip and knee bend with your knee moving forward over your foot. Just tap the ground...
09 Aug Anterior to Posterior Step Down
HOW: Get set-up balancing on one foot on an elevated surface. Begin the exercise by reaching forward with the foot that is in the air and letting your hip and knee bend with your knee moving forward over your foot. Just tap the ground...