26 Jun Single Leg Balance – Up and Down Reach
HOW: Holding a ball with both hands above your head, shift your weight to one leg to balance on just that leg. Hinge forward at the hips, and kick the other leg behind you as you try to touch the ball to the ground...
26 Jun Single Leg Balance – Side and Down Reach
HOW: Holding a ball with both hands, shift your weight to one leg to balance on just that leg. Hinge forward at the hips, kick the other leg behind you as you rotate your upper half towards the balancing leg and tap the ball...
26 Jun Bridge Hold – Hamstring Bias
HOW: Start by lying on your back with your knees slightly bent and your feet spread apart. Drive your heels into the ground lifting your hips up as high as you can go. Use your hamstrings and core to hold that position for as...
18 Jun Ankle Dorsiflexion Mobilization – Tibial Internal and External Rotation
HOW: Place a step in front of you or use an elevated surface. Bend one knee and place your foot on top of step. Wrap a band around your lower leg to provide extra friction - if you have it available to you. Twist...
13 Jun Single Leg Pogos – Frontal
HOW: While standing, shift your weight to one leg with your knee slightly bent and the opposite knee bent causing lifting your foot off of the ground. From this position, raise your heel off the ground pushing the balls of your feet into the...
13 Jun Single Leg Rotational Depth Drop – Inside
HOW: Begin by standing close to the edge of an elevated surface. With the outside leg, bring it up and over as you rotate your body 90 degrees, step off, and leg with that leg. FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your...
13 Jun Single Leg Lateral Depth Drop – Outside
HOW: Begin by standing close to the edge of an elevated surface. With the outside leg, bring it up and place it in front of your other foot. Then, step off to the side with the foot in the back landing softly with just...
10 Jun Split Stance Lunge – Toes Elevated
HOW: Place a weight plate on the ground. Place the balls of your toes on the edge of the weight plate with one foot. Bring the other leg back into the lunge position. Keep your weight forward as you bend the knee on the...
10 Jun Push Up Ankle Rock
HOW: Start in the push up position. Bend one knee and bring that foot behind the ankle of the other leg. Keep those toes pushing into the ground and try to push your body backwards driving your heel to the ground and then returning...
10 Jun Lateral Reach
HOW: Start by standing tall with both feet together. Lift one leg slightly off of the ground and begin to squat down with the other leg bending at the knee. Keeping your upper body mostly straight up, reach with that foot in the air...