29 Dec Scaption – Band
HOW: Get a band set-up under your feet while you’re in a standing position holding the ends of the band in each hand. While keeping your elbows straight, staying strong in your shoulder blades, and thumbs pointing up, raise your arms to head height...
29 Dec Push Up Plus – On Knees
HOW: Start in the modified tall plank position on your knees with your hands on the ground. Drive your hands into the ground and also imaging driving your elbows into the ground. This is your stable base position. Keeping the core and shoulders engaged...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder External Rotation – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the inside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push outwards into the doorway with the back of your hand. You can use a towel to make it more comfortable. Think of...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the outside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, put your palm against the doorframe and push inwards into the doorway. Think of rotating your hand inwards towards your belly button, with...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Flexion – Wall Support
HOW: Start facing a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push forward into the wall. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that you do, staying just under the point of pain/discomfort and hold that level...