17 Jul Single Leg Heel Raise – Big Toe Extension
HOW: Place a folded towel on the ground. Stand on the towel with just your big toe on the towel. Use a wall or something to hold onto with balance. Bend the other knee up off of the ground. Push into the towel and...
12 Jul Achilles Tendon [P]Rehab!
Follow along to learn about Achilles tendon rehab! ...
03 Jul Calf Soft Tissue Mobilization – Lacrosse Ball
HOW: Begin in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you. Place a lacrosse ball underneath your calf muscle. With your hands on the ground push into the ground to allow your body weight to push into the ball. Move...
26 Jun Calf Stretch – Off Step
HOW: Place an elevated surface next to a wall. Stand on the surface and use the wall for support. Straighten one leg as you keep your toes on the surface and let your heel drop to the ground creating a stretch in that calf....
26 Jun Squat – Heels Elevated
HOW: Place two weight plates on the ground. Place your heels on the edge of each plate. From this position, perform a squat by bending at the knees and hinging forward at the hips. Push back up into the starting position and repeat. FEEL:...
26 Jun Single Leg Balance – Up and Down Reach
HOW: Holding a ball with both hands above your head, shift your weight to one leg to balance on just that leg. Hinge forward at the hips, and kick the other leg behind you as you try to touch the ball to the ground...
26 Jun Single Leg Balance – Side and Down Reach
HOW: Holding a ball with both hands, shift your weight to one leg to balance on just that leg. Hinge forward at the hips, kick the other leg behind you as you rotate your upper half towards the balancing leg and tap the ball...
10 Jun Push Up Ankle Rock
HOW: Start in the push up position. Bend one knee and bring that foot behind the ankle of the other leg. Keep those toes pushing into the ground and try to push your body backwards driving your heel to the ground and then returning...
29 May Half Kneeling Soleus Stretch
HOW: In a kneeling position with one leg up and your foot flat on the ground. Lean forward as much as you can bending your knee and slightly bringing your heel off of the ground. Hold that position when you feel a good stretch...
16 May Seated Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Towel
HOW: Start in a seated position. Grab a towel or strap with both hands and wrap it around the balls of one of your feet. Bend the knee up placing just your heel on the ground. Pull the towel towards you bringing your toes...