This stretch is for all the desk jockeys. The thoracic spine is often stable and generally on the stiffer side, limiting mobility. This limited mobility can manifest in compensations up or down the chain, which is why people often have neck and low back pain!
Your thoracic spine--also known as your mid-back--is comprised of 12 vertebrae (T1-T12) and is responsible for about 35 degrees of rotation to each side. This number is just a norm and can vary from person to person. The amount of rotation you have depends significantly on your activity. For example, if you play golf or baseball you may have more rotation to one side than the other.
To perform this exercise:
-Begin with a rock back to allow your lumbar spine to go into flexion in order to lock out your lower back. This allows the motion to come primarily from the thoracic spine.
-Rotate with one hand as far as you can while keeping your arm in contact with the floor.
-An alternative way of performing the exercise is shown with the hand on the head. Focus on opening up your chest to the wall you are rotating towards. Focus on moving ONLY at the thoracic spine. .
Note: This stretch will additionally open up your pecs!
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