Single Leg RDL – Band

  • HOW: Start in a standing position balancing on one leg with a band anchored under your foot, hold the band in each hand. Begin the exercise by hinging at your hip and pushing your butt back to perform an RDL motion, then push through your heel and push the ground away to return to starting position and repeat.
  • FEEL: This should feel like a lower body workout on the leg you're standing on, specifically your glutes, hamstrings, and entire posterior chain. Depending on the amount of resistance, you will also feel your upper back and shoulder blades working with this exercise.
  • COMPENSATION: Do not excessively bend or arch your back, perform a good hip hinge with proper RDL form. Do not lose your balance or perform the movement with sloppy form. Perform a hip hinge, not a squat. 

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