Reduce Risk of Shoulder Pain for Overhead Athlete’s!
Phase 2 of 3
We have collaborated with @tennisprehablab breaking down a study conducted in 2017 by Andersson et al. which examined the effects of shoulder injury prevention program implemented 3x/week during a 7-month handball season. The study was a prospective cluster randomized control trial that included participation of 45 teams equating to 660 players.
The program was developed to
1. shoulder internal rotation (IR)
2. external rotation (ER)
3. Scapular muscle strength
4. Kinetic chain & T/S mobility.
5 exercises were selected & were employed as the teams’ warm-up &, took approx. 10 mins. to perform. These 5 exercises were progressed in 3 phases.
Impairments/risk factors are similar for most overhead athletes including: total shoulder rotation (ER greater than IR), ER weakness & scapula dyskinesis (faulty shoulder blade movement). This will cause anterior humeral head translation, posterior cuff tightness, chronic capsular stress ultimately resulting in risk of rotator cuff & labrum pathology.
Results: 28% lower risk of shoulder problems & 22% lower risk of substantial shoulder problems in the intervention group compared w/ the control group who performed routine warm-up.
Phase 2: Weeks 7-12
1. Push up plus plank with Passing
a. Drive shoulder blades toward floor “push up plus position”
b. Maintain shoulder & pelvic stability
c. 3 x 8-16 reps
2. Standing Bow and Arrow
a. Pre-position shoulders by lifting chest & pulling shoulders down back
b. Follow through w/ arm & trunk rotation
3. Wall Slide: “Dynamic Latissimus dorsi stretch”
a. Slide arms upward
b. Maintain forearms neutral or slightly inward
c. Maintain neutral spine
d. 3 x 8-16 reps
4. Partner Cross body stretch
a. Maintain shoulder at 90°
b. Partner blocks shoulder blade from moving and moves elbow across body
c. Stretch perceived in back of shoulder
d. 3x30 seconds
5. Drop and Catch
a. Keep elbow & Shoulder at 90°
b. Drop ball and catch quickly
c. Return to start position
d. Small .5 kg med ball to start
e. 3 x 10-20 reps
Citation: Andersson, Stig Haugsboe, et al. "Preventing overuse shoulder injuries among throwing athletes: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in 660 elite handball players." Br J Sports Med 51.14 (2017): 1073-1080
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