The piriformis is a deep hip muscle under all the glute’s. Piriformis syndrome is a non-discogenic cause of “sciatica” from compression of the sciatic nerve through around the piriformis muscle. (1)
Sciatic nerve passes under the piriformis- 84%
Portion of the Sciatic nerve passes through the Piriformis-15% of the time
Entire Nerve passes through the piriformis-1% of the time (2)
There are many ways to stretch this muscle as shown here- laying down, sitting, and standing.
In hip flexion this muscle actually becomes an internal rotator- therefore in hip flexion you want to externally rotate the hip to maximize a stretch of the Piriformis.
The � to maximize this stretch include:
✅Flex your hip
✅Externally rotate your hip
✅Adduct your hip
Note: Some may add a bit of a posterior glide of the femur to FURTHER stretch the piriformis muscle.
But does the piriformis always need stretching?? �A study in 2010 by Tonley et al suggested that the pathomechanics of piriformis syndrome is actually an OVERSTRETCHING as opposed to an OVERSHORTENING of the piriformis. Therefore Movement analysis of a single leg step down will be beneficial in determining if stretching or strengthening of this area is better warranted. (3)
Thanks @barbellapparel for the comfortable � !!!
1.By: Cass SP. “Piriformis Syndrome.” 2015.
2.Variation of the piriformis and Sciativ nerve w/ clinical consequence. 2010.
3.By: Tonley et al. “Treatment of an indicidual with priformis syndrome focusing on hip muscle strengthening and movement reeducation” 2010.
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