Here is phase three of an excellent core exercise program designed to improve passive core stiffness.
An article by Benjamin C. Y. Lee and Stuart M. McGill in 2015 compared a long term dynamic (i.e., curl up) vs. isometric (i.e., plank) core training program. A six week isometric core training program was superior to the dynamic core exercises in enhancing core stiffness. If you’re an athlete looking to improve performance or someone managing low back pain / hip pain / knee pain, you should incorporate isometric core exercises. Did you know your hip pain could be stemming from your low back!?
The video demonstrates week 5 & 6 exercises from the article referenced above...
- Kettlebell Unilateral Rack Walk
- Swiss Ball Stir The Pot
- TRX Inverted Row
- Half-kneeling Wood Chops
Still confused what “core stability” really is? An article by Tricia Majewski-Schrage, Todd A. Evans, and Brian Ragan in 2014 helped to develop a consensus amongst content experts of a working definition for core stability. "Core stability is the ability to achieve and sustain control of the trunk region at rest and during precise movement". The authors also agreed that essential components to core stability included muscles and neuromuscular control. We like to think of the core as a force transducer within the kinetic chain; a medium for transferring energy and force from the lower to the upper body.
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