Exercises for Hypermobility

Time Stamps ⏱  00:00 Start  00:19 What is hypermobility? 02:04 Test your hypermobility! 02:47 Test 1: Hyperextension of pinky past 90 degrees  03:14 Test 2: Thumb to forearm  03:51 Test 3: Elbow hyperextension of 10 degrees  04:15 Test 4: Knee hyperextension of 10 degrees  04:39 Test 5: Knee straight lumbar flexion palms to ground  07:30 Let's get started with terminal knee extension exercises 09:32 Shoulder hypermobility exercises  12:27 Our favorite elbow exercise 15:15 Spine exercises  20:03 End    Beighton Score:   1.Hyperextension of fifth MCP joint past 90 degrees L R 2.Thumb to forearm L R 3.Elbow hyperextension of 10 degrees L R 4.Knee hyperextension of 10 degrees L R 5.Knee straight lumbar flexion palms on ground    If you checked “yes” for most of these, you could possibly have hypermobile joints. So what is hypermobility? Hypermobility is defined as having an unusual amount of mobility in your joints. This can be a result of internal or external factors, internal being the genes that were passed down from your parents affecting how your collagen in your body is produced, and external being the type of stress you put your body through with sports such as gymnastics or dance that require you to have a bit more mobility.   So is this hypermobility a bad thing? No, it’s not, and it doesn’t become a problem until it is a problem. This typically becomes a problem as a result of constant stretching or overloading your joints at that end range when they don’t have the strength and stability to tolerate that amount of load. With that being said, it’s important to work on strengthening and stability of your muscles surrounding these joints at those end ranges! That’s right! These ranges shouldn’t be avoided, they should be strengthened!
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