Stop Putting The Band Around Your Ankles

Side steps….ooooh so fancy and sexy!� But really, there is an over-obsession with the side step exercise in the fitness community and most don't really need to do this exercise if they are already healthy and strong as the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) for the gluteus medius in the exercise is not even at an adequate level for true strength gains (Less than 40% MVIC). . However in rehab, the side step and all its variations (e.g. monster walks) are great for re-training proper movement patterns and neuromuscular control. Furthermore, bands are a great way to increase the MVIC in the exercise and challenge the patient even further. And when it comes to band placement, we know that if we move the band below the normal placement around the knees the exercise gets harder, but where exactly should we place the band? . ❓At the ankles? ❓At the feet? . A study found that TFL activation is HIGHER with the band placement around the ankles in comparison to the feet. And here's why. With the band placement around the feet it creates an internal rotation moment. This means that the band will try to pull your toes INWARD. In order to resist this, you have to push OUTWARDS. Most of the glutes are EXTERNAL ROTATORS, whereas the TFL is an INTERNAL ROTATOR. So the push outwards will result in significantly more gluteal activation in comparison to TFL activation! . ✅ Put the band around your feet!! . Give it a shot and tag your workout partner whose doing side steps the wrong way! MVIC citation from Berry 2015 in JOSPT.
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