CKCUEST Assessment

The Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Assessment (CKCUEST) is a reliable tool developed and used to evaluate upper extremity functional performance and progress. Please watch the video to get a visual demonstration of how to perform the test. Below you will find a description of how to do so. Place two strips of tape in parallel 36-inches apart on a floor as measured with a standard tape measure. The starting position for the test is one hand on each piece of tape while assuming a pushup position. From the starting position, use one hand to reach across the body and touch the piece of tape lying under the opposing hand. After touching the tape line return your hand to the original starting position. Perform the same movement with the other hand and repeat. Touches are counted as every time the hand reaches across the body and touches the tape, think of the left hand as touch #1, right hand as #2, and so forth. The total time for the test is 15 seconds. You are allowed to perform a warm-up trial followed by three real trials of the test with a rest period of 45 seconds between trials. Your final score is the average of the three trials.   Prehab Goals & Normative Values: Male reference values: 18.5 touches Female reference values: 20.5 touches Average 1st-time Testing Scores Active Male: 25 touches Active Female: 28 touches Male with shoulder pain: 10 touches Female with shoulder pain: 12 touches   References: 1) Rousch, JR, Kitamura, J, and Waits, MC. Reference values for the closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test (CKCUEST) for collegiate baseball players. N Am J Sports Phys Ther 2: 159–163, 2007. 2) Tucci HT, Martins J, Sposito Gde C, et al. Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability test (CKCUES test): a reliability study in persons with and without shoulder impingement syndrome. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2014;15:1.   Take the assessment, write down your score, and track your progress throughout the program.
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