Bulgarian Split Squat – Jump, Knee Drive

  • HOW:  Get set-up in a high split squat position with one foot back and up/supported on a bench or elevated surface. Perform a split squat by letting your hip and knee bend to lower yourself down. Then perform a jump, while in the air drive the knee up as high as you can that you pushed off with, land softly, and repeat. Try to maintain at least 80-90% of your body weight on the front leg.
  • FEEL:  You will feel the leg that is in front doing most of the work, with your thigh and butt muscles working.
  • COMPENSATION:  Try to land softly and not with a stiff leg. Try to transition right into the next split squat. Do not lean side-to-side or lean back, keep your weight mostly on your front foot. Perform the split squat with good form by not letting your knee collapse in or bow out, do not let your pelvis drop.

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