Assisted Single Leg RDL

Did you know that Re-injury rates after acute hamstring injures are reported to range from 14% up to 63%, within the same season-2 years after the initial injury. It has been shown through imaging that the majority of the hamstring re-injuries occur in the same location as the initial injury- This calls for [P]Rehab! Here is a great exercise that will help develop eccentric strength and control of the hamstring! . 1️⃣The Stance limb is the leg in which the hamstring should be working eccentrically through it’s range of motion- Hip Flexion and Knee Extension. 2️⃣Focus on keeping the elevated leg light and only use as much assistance as needed- ideally you will have a frictionless surface to allow for easy gliding your foot on an elevated surface. ❌Avoid allowing your thoracic spine from flexing, allowing your shoulder blades to protract, and your upper cervical spine from extending- Don’t worry about looking yourself in the mirror! ✅Keep the body close to your body while maintaining a neutral Spine . �Specific exercise program focusing on re-injury prevention initiated after return to from initial injury is HIGHLY recommended-or it can be used as part of your general regimen to reduce risk for straining this muscle! . Citation: Hamstring Reinjuries Occur at the same Location and Early After Return to Sport. By Wangensteen et al.
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