26 Apr Eccentric Hamstring Curl – Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the legs straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the knee cap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles...
26 Apr Single Leg Calf Raise – Leg Press Machine
HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally, you want to start with as much knee straightening as possible. Toes are facing up toward the ceiling. Use the arms to stabilize the upper body and core. Remove...
26 Apr Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the kneecap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles in...
26 Apr Single Leg Hamstring Curl – Quick, Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the leg straight and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the kneecap, ensuring the leg does not move. Hold onto the handles in...
26 Apr Single Leg Soleus Raise – Leg Press Machine
HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally you want to start with as much knee straightening as possible. Place one foot on the plate so that only the base of your foot is on the...
29 Apr L Sit Assessment
The L Sit Assessment is meant to test your shoulder and core stamina in a very challenging position! Please watch the video to get a visual demonstration of how to perform the test. Below you will find a description of how to do so. You can...
29 Apr Is Unilateral Training Better Than Bilateral Training
Check out this video to learn if unilateral training is better bilateral training!...