03 Jul TFL Soft Tissue Mobilization – Lacrosse Ball
HOW: Begin by lying on your back, placing a lacrosse ball just underneath the side of your hips as you roll onto your side on the ball. Use your bodyweight to roll out the soft tissue in that area. FEEL: You should feel a...
26 Jun Standing Hip Abduction – Wall Supported
HOW: Stand with a wall in front of you. Place your hands on the wall about shoulder height and slightly lean into it. Begin with your feet together. Shift your weight to one side as you kick one leg out straight to the side....
26 Jun Seated Hip Abduction Isometrics
HOW: Begin seated with a band looped just above your knees. Spread your feet apart just enough to create tension in the band. Keep your feet flat as you push both of your knees outward and hold that position for the prescribed amount of...
05 Jun Sidelying Oblique Leg Lift
HOW: Start by lying on your side with your legs together and straight. Support your head with your bottom arm or by using a pillow. While keeping your legs together, lift both of your legs off of the ground and then back down in...
05 Jun Star Plank
HOW: Lying on your side, straighten your legs out with your feet on top of each other and have your elbow on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Push into the ground with your feet and elbow and lift your hips up to where...
09 May Lateral Side Glide
HOW: Standing next to a wall, place your shoulder on the wall. Bring your forearm up the wall, creating a 90 degree bend in the elbow. Move your feet away from the wall leaning into your shoulder. Place your other hand on your hip...
11 Nov Standing TFL and ITB Stretch
HOW: Example – right TFL and QL. Get set-up standing followed by taking a step backwards and to the opposite side. For example, if you step with your right foot, it should be behind and to the left of your left foot. Now reach...
11 Nov Tabletop Hip Internal Rotation – AROM, Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up laying on your back with your hips and knees bent with your legs in the air. Place a foam roller, yoga block, your fists, or any object you feel comfortable with to squeeze in between your distal thighs and knees. Perform...
17 Oct Long Sitting Hip Internal and External Rotation – AROM
HOW: Get set-up on the ground supporting yourself with your arms and with your knees bent. Let both knees fall to one side by moving through hip rotation range of motion. Go through the full range of motion that you feel comfortable with, then...
06 Oct Low Back Sidebend – AROM, Wall Supported
HOW: Find a wall then follow the instruction on the video. FEEL: When you lean into the wall you will stretch the side closer to the wall, from the low back to hip region. When you push your body away from the wall you...