14 Feb Side Plank – Shoulder Abduction, Dumbbell
HOW: Begin this exercise in a side plank position with your elbow comfortably under your shoulder and your feet stacked. Press through the side of your foot and the elbow to get into a side plank position. From here, with the top arm, move...
28 Aug Copenhagen T – On Knees, Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with one knee bent on top of a bench and the other bend below the bench on the ground. Have your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front...
28 Aug Copenhagen T – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin on your side with one foot on top of a bench and the other below the bench on the ground. Keep your knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in...