22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Holding onto the band, keep your body...
09 May Bulgarian Split Squat – Heel Raise
HOW: Face away from an elevated surface. Place one foot behind you with your toes on the elevated surface. Squat down on the front leg keeping your weight centered on the front leg. Push up with the front leg back into the standing position,...