22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Band, Anti-Eversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg furthest from the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Holding onto the band, keep your body...
03 Aug Ankle Plantarflexion And Inversion – Band
HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot. Use your other foot to apply a line of resistance that is to the outside and closer than your working ankle (shown in the video). Your goal is to slowly push your ankle in a down...