HOW: Begin in a seated position with you back up against a wall. With the designated leg drive your heel into the floor until your heels get close your butt. Here I am using my socks on wood to slide my legs, key is...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position on your hands and knees with your toes tucked under your feet. Push the ground away from you with your hands, which will cause your body to go backwards onto your knees. Bring your butt as close as...

HOW:  Perform a single leg bridge by driving your heel into the floor to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. While maintaining this position, with the opposite leg perform a straight leg raise staying strong in your thigh to keep your knee straight,...

HOW: In a seated position place your back up against the wall. While keeping your core engaged raise your leg off the floor as high as you can. Hold for as long as prescribed then return back to the floor.   FEEL: You will feel...

HOW: Begin in a squat position with a resistance band placed slightly above your knees. First begin with standing clams by driving your knees out to the side in a squat position, make sure to avoid the inside of the foot from rolling out....

HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about hip-width apart, no more than a foot away from the wall, and your back supported on the wall. Next focus on lowering yourself down as far as you feel comfortable, then pull yourself up...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about hip width apart. Next focus on lowering yourself half way down and hold this position. Make sure to keep your back on the wall for the entirety of this exercise. The further you bring...

HOW: Anchor a band at waist height, then place the band around your hips. Begin this movement by performing a reverse lunge with control, then power yourself up into the end position demonstrated in this video. This movement is achieved by raising your heel,...

HOW: Anchor a band at waist height, then place the band around your hips. The band will be pulling you into a hip bending position, you will have to use your hip extensors (glutes and hamstrings) to pull yourself back up right. Keep a...
