13 Jun Rotational Box Hop – Outside
HOW: Place an elevated surface next to you. Shift your weight to the leg next to the elevated surface with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump to the side,...
13 Jun Rotational Box Hop – Inside
HOW: Place an elevated surface next to you. Shift your weight to the outside leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump to the side and land on top...
13 Jun Rotational Bound – Quarter Turn
HOW: Shift your weight to the outside leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump to the side and land on the opposite foot as you rotate your body...
13 Jun Rotational Bound – Half Turn
HOW: Shift your weight to the outside leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump backwards and land on the opposite foot as you rotate your body facing the...
13 Jun Lateral Hop – Outside
HOW: Shift your weight to the inside leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump out to the outside as far as you can landing with the same foot. ...
05 Jun Standing Straight Leg Raise
HOW: Loop a band around your ankles. Shift your weight to one side and kick one leg straight up while keeping your toe pointed up and your knee straight. Return to the starting position and repeat for the other side. FEEL: You should feel...
06 Jan Single Leg RDL – Foam Pad
HOW: Begin this exercise by balancing one leg on a foam pad. Next focus on hinging primarily at the hips. This is achieved by bringing your torso forward and pushing your butt back. Kicking out the back leg may make it easier for you...
11 Nov Straight Leg Raise – J
HOW: Start by lying on your back. Bend your opposite knee. The first step is let your foot turn out, this will put your hip in the desired position. Next, you must perform a very strong quadricep set by squeezing your thigh as hard...
06 Oct Frog Stretch – Dynamic
HOW: Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position with your knees spread as far as comfortable. Rock back until you feel adequate stretching of your groin. FEEL: You will feel a stretch in the groin/adductor region. COMPENSATION: Make sure to keep...
26 Aug Spanish Squat
HOW: Anchor a band roughly knee height, and place the band around the back of your lower leg. You will then perform a squat while leaning into the band and keeping your trunk straight. FEEL: You will feel the muscles on the front of...