03 Apr Supine Knee Flexion – AAROM, Strap
HOW: Loop a strap around your working foot and lay flat on the ground. Pull your heel towards your bottom to improve knee flexion until you hit a comfortable level of resistance. . Hold this position for a few seconds before returning to your...
30 Jul Seated Knee Flexion – AAROM, Strap
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a strap or a towel wrapped around the middle of your foot. Pull your foot in towards your butt. You may need to choke up on the strap to get leverage with your arms. When you get...
30 Jul Seated Knee Flexion – AROM
HOW: Begin in a seated position with you back up against a wall. With the designated leg drive your heel into the floor until your heels get close your butt. Here I am using my socks on wood to slide my legs, key is...