HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally you want to start with your knees as straight as possible..  Toes are facing up towards the ceiling and your feet are comfortable hip width apart Use the arms...

HOW: Sitting in the leg press machine, move the seat back as far as possible. Ideally, you want to start with as much knee straightening as possible.  Toes are facing up toward the ceiling. Use the arms to stabilize the upper body and core. Remove...

HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee straight, and...

Follow along with the video to learn how to roll out your calves! You only need to spend a minute or two maximum in each body region....
