01 Jan Armpit Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: In a sidelying position place a foam roller just underneath your armpit region. You have the option of rolling up and down, from side to side, or performing a pin and stretch. Work around this area and see what feels good for you....
01 Jan Lat Soft Tissue Mobilization
HOW: In a sidelying position place a foam roller just underneath your Lat’s, which are a big muscle that are just underneath the side of your shoulder. You have the option of rolling up and down, from side to side, or performing a pin...
29 Dec Thoracic Spine Foam Rolling
HOW: Get set-up with your butt supported on the ground with a foam roller supporting your mid back. The goal is to make a ‘fulcrum’ that we can use to mobilize your mid back. Position the foam roller in your mid back and drive...
29 Dec Supine Alternating Arm Raises – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up laying on a long foam roller with it parallel to your spine and in the middle of your back. Make sure your knees are bent with your feet flat on the ground and have your butt and head supported on the...
29 Dec Overhead Lift Off – Foam Roller
HOW: Bend over on the ground and place your arm on a foam roller, thumb up. Ramp up intensity and push the pinky side of your hand into the foam roller. Keeping that engagement, slowly drive the foam roller forward. When you reach up...