16 Jul Ankle Plantarflexion Isometrics – In Plantarflexion
HOW: In a comfortable sitting position with your feet out in front of you, place a resistance band around the balls of your foot. Point your foot forward and down towards the floor. This is your starting position. Slowly pull on the resistance band...
16 Jul Ankle Plantarflexion Isometrics – In Neutral
HOW: In a comfortable sitting position with your feet out in front of you, place a resistance band around the balls of your foot. Keep your foot in a neutral position, with the toes pointed straight up and your ankle at a 90 deg...
16 Jul Ankle Circle
HOW: Draw circles with your ankle. You can draw clockwise or counter-clockwise circles. If after a surgery or injury, make sure to follow the instructions of your physical therapist as there may be ranges of motion you want to be careful with. FEEL: You...
11 Jun Deep Squat Weight Shift
HOW: While in a deep squat position hold onto a stable surface. Slowly lean towards one side while driving your body and your knee forward. Repeat on the other side. FEEL: The more you drive your body forward the more you will bias a...
11 Feb Toe Spreading
HOW: Get set-up seated if you’re performing this for the first time, the goal is to progress to standing. While keeping your arch lifted by doming your foot, spread your toes apart as far as you can, hold for a moment then return to...