Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight, 3D
5 Reps, 10-15 Hold, 2 X Day,
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight
5 Reps, 10-15 Hold, 2 X Day,
Dead Bug - Anti-rotation, Band
3 Sets, 20-30 Reps, 1-2 X Day,
Side Plank - Hip Abduction
4 Sets, 5-10 Reps, 1-2 X Day,
Single Leg Woodpecker
3 Sets, 20 Reps, 1-2 X Day,
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight, 3D
5 Reps, 15 Hold, 2 X Day,
Reverse Clam
3 Sets, 12-15 Reps, 2 X Day,
Wall Squat - Single Leg
3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 3-4 X week


Tibialis Anterior Soft Tissue Mobilization - Lacrosse Ball
1-2\\\\\' Hold
1-2 X Day
HOW: In a seated position, grab a lacrosse ball. Apply the ball with one hand to the muscle area just to the outside of your shin bone. Apply as much pressure as you’d like along that muscle. 


FEEL: You should feel a massage like pressure along the tibialis anterior muscle.


COMPENSATION: Apply pressure just to the tibialis anterior muscle.
Calf Soft Tissue Mobilization - Lacrosse Ball
1-2\\\\\' Hold
1-2 X Day
HOW: Begin in a seated position with your legs straight out in front of you. Place a lacrosse ball underneath your calf muscle. With your hands on the ground push into the ground to allow your body weight to push into the ball. Move the ball around to your tolerance to massage out the soft tissues of your calf. 


FEEL: You should feel a massage like pressure in your calf muscle. 


COMPENSATION: Don’t roll the ball too fast, find a comfortable speed.
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight, 3D
5 Reps
10-15 Hold
2 X Day
HOW:  Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step backwards with the side you plan to stretch, have that foot facing 12 o’clock the entire time with the heel flat on the ground. Start out by having the front foot facing 12 o’clock then lean and shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you, then repeat by stepping with the front foot to 10 o’clock and shift your weight in that direction, then 2 o’clock, then repeat


FEEL:  You should feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you and depending on the direction you’re shifting your weight to – you will feel the stretch on the inside or outside. You shouldn’t feel pain or a pinch in front of your ankle.


COMPENSATION:  Be sure to keep your back foot facing 12 o’clock, do not let your foot turn out or in. Try to keep your heel down.
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight
5 Reps
10-15 Hold
2 X Day
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee straight, and toes facing 12 o’clock, slowly lean and shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch.


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you, specifically behind and below your knee and potentially right above your ankle. You shouldn’t feel pain or a pinch in front of your ankle.


COMPENSATION: Be sure to keep your back foot facing 12 o’clock, do not let your foot turn out or in. Try to keep your heel down. Keep the knee straight
Dead Bug - Anti-rotation, Band
3 Sets
20-30 Reps
1-2 X Day
HOW: Start by lying on your back.  Bring your knees up towards your chest and bend your knees making an “L” shape. Grab a band that is anchored to the side of you and with both arms straight, pull it over your chest.  The band should feel like it is trying to pull you on your side, do not let it by engaging your core and keeping your back flat on the ground. While holding the tension from the band, straighten one leg out until it is a few inches off of the ground, and return to the starting position.  Alternate straightening each leg all while holding the tension in the band. 


FEEL: You should feel your core muscles working as well as your lats and arm muscles. 


COMPENSATION: Keep your core engaged during the process, don’t arch your back. Keep your arms straight up at chest level and don’t bend your elbows. Don’t let your leg rest on the ground as you straighten it.
Side Plank - Hip Abduction
4 Sets
5-10 Reps
1-2 X Day
HOW: Get set-up on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder and your forearm supported on the ground. Have your feet stacked and supported on the ground with the knees straight. To begin the exercise, push your hips up and forward as high as you can and hold this position. Then lift your top leg up towards the ceiling while keeping it straight and in line with your body, lower and repeat.


FEEL: This should feel like a full-body exercise. Your shoulder and shoulder blade muscles will be working as well as your hip, back, and stomach muscles. You will especially feel your right hip and core muscles working if you’re laying on your right side. Follow the video for other cues and tips.


COMPENSATION: Do not let your hips or shoulder sag, do not let your body rotate.
Single Leg Woodpecker
3 Sets
20 Reps
1-2 X Day
HOW: Get set up balancing on one leg with good arch position. Begin the exercise by leaning forward and shifting your weight and center of gravity towards your toes. Go just until the point that you can control and not let your heel lift off the ground. Push the front of your foot into the ground to return to starting position and repeat.


FEEL: This should feel like a control exercise, specifically your calf and foot muscles working to control your center of gravity shifting forward. You should also feel your calf and foot intrinsic muscles working to return your body to starting position.


COMPENSATION: Keep your body straight, don’t fold at your hips or arch your back with this exercise. Use your calf and foot muscles to do the work.
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Straight, 3D
5 Reps
15 Hold
2 X Day
HOW:  Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step backwards with the side you plan to stretch, have that foot facing 12 o’clock the entire time with the heel flat on the ground. Start out by having the front foot facing 12 o’clock then lean and shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you, then repeat by stepping with the front foot to 10 o’clock and shift your weight in that direction, then 2 o’clock, then repeat


FEEL:  You should feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you and depending on the direction you’re shifting your weight to – you will feel the stretch on the inside or outside. You shouldn’t feel pain or a pinch in front of your ankle.


COMPENSATION:  Be sure to keep your back foot facing 12 o’clock, do not let your foot turn out or in. Try to keep your heel down.
Reverse Clam
3 Sets
12-15 Reps
2 X Day
HOW: While laying on your side, bend your knees and bring them forward. Rotate the top knee up as far as you can and hold that position. Then, rotate your ankle up towards the ceiling as your knee stays still, lower your foot down and repeat.


FEEL: You should feel all the deep muscles in your hip and glutes working.   


COMPENSATION:  Don’t roll forward or backward while rotating your hip, keep your knee still as you lift your foot up/down off the ground.
Wall Squat - Single Leg
3 Sets
8-12 Reps
3-4 X week
HOW: Get set up in a standing position with your back against a wall. To decrease friction against the wall, place a towel or pillow case sheet between your back and the wall. To perform the exercise, begin by balancing on one foot. Position your foot that is on the ground more towards the midline of your body to help with balance. While balancing on one foot, slowly slide down the wall as far as you feel comfortable with that you can control to perform a single leg wall squat, then return to starting position and repeat.


FEEL: This should feel like a full lower body workout, specifically the leg you’re standing. You will also feel your core and trunk muscles working to maintain balance and optimal form.


COMPENSATION: Keep your pelvis level/parallel to the ground. Avoid leaning side-to-side too far with your upper body and trunk. Slowly lower down and return to starting position, don’t rush the movement. Try to keep your heel down on the ground.