World's Greatest Stretch
2 Sets, 5 Reps,
Downward Dog to Upward Dog
2 Sets, 5 Reps,
Sunrise Salute
2 Sets, 5 Reps,


Tired when you wake up? Sore from yesterday’s workout? Just feeling stiff and not interested in getting out of bed? Your 1st opportunity every single day to capture a win starts with getting out of  bed. To help make this process more appealing and jumpstart your day, get moving with morning primers! The best thing you can do for your body and your mind to start the day is intentionally breathe and move. These three exercises can go a long way for getting your entire body moving and your heart rate up! Make this a part of your morning routine and you’ll feel ready to capture the day!

World's Greatest Stretch
2 Sets
5 Reps
HOW: Follow along with the detailed video tutorial for all movement cues!


FEEL: You should feel nice and warm after completing this, ready to tackle the program or workout!


Downward Dog to Upward Dog
2 Sets
5 Reps
HOW: Starting in a tall plank position with your hands and feet on the ground. Push your arms into the ground and protract your scapula to push your hips into the air in the down dog position. Really drive this motion through your shoulder blades. Next, shift your weight forward and let your hips sag to the ground. Arch your upper back as you assume the up dog position. Then repeat.


FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your shoulder working, especially in your shoulder blades under your arm-pit during the down dog. During the up dog, you should feel a gentle stretch you’re the front of your hips and your middle back.


COMPENSATION: Do not push back simply by moving your hips backwards. Actively drive your hands into the ground and use your shoulders to perform the movement. Do not let your hips touch the ground during the up dog, keep them elevated just slightly.
Sunrise Salute
2 Sets
5 Reps
HOW: Start with your hands together and finger tips facing the ceiling. Reach up as high as you can while taking a deep breath, then spread your hands apart from one another as far as you can while facing your palms forward. Squeeze your shoulder blades back as your lower your arms down and breathe out. Repeat


FEEL: As your bring your arms and hands down and apart, you should feel a stretch across your chest and pecs.


COMPENSATION: Limit motion to your arms, do not arch your back when trying to reach or separate your arms. 