Ankle Circle
2 Sets, 30s Reps,
Heel Raise Isometrics
2 Sets, 30s Reps,
Seated Single Leg Heel Raise
2 Sets, 30s Reps,
Bridge - Isometric Heel Raise
2 Sets, 30s Reps,
Single Leg Heel Raise – Knee Bent
3 Sets, 8 Reps, 3 X week both Side
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Bent
3 Sets, 20 seconds Hold, daily X week both Side


Foot Plantar Surface Self Massage - Lacrosse Ball
1 Sets
30s Reps
HOW: Get set up seated with a firm object that can roll back and forth positioned under your foot. Roll the object back and forth along your arch from the base of your heel bone to the balls of your feet. Apply your desired level of pressure that you can tolerate, however don’t cause intolerable pain. You can roll it back and forth, side-to-side, or change the angle as desired and work on any area that you want along the bottom surface of your foot.


FEEL: This should feel like a massage and soft tissue work along the base of your foot.


COMPENSATION: Follow along with the video for tips and other instructions.
Ankle Circle
2 Sets
30s Reps
HOW: Draw circles with your ankle. You can draw clockwise or counter-clockwise circles. If after a surgery or injury, make sure to follow the instructions of your physical therapist as there may be ranges of motion you want to be careful with.


FEEL: You should feel all different parts of your ankle stretching and activating.


COMPENSATION: Move just from the ankle, not the toes. 
Heel Raise Isometrics
2 Sets
30s Reps
HOW:  Get set-up in front of a wall or an object to use for balance. While keeping your glutes and quads tight to keep your knees straight, lift your heels off the ground in a slow and controlled manner. Hold this position for the desired amount of time. Really drive the balls of your feet into the ground.


FEEL:  You should feel your calves getting a workout, but also your glutes and quads working as well to help keep your legs straight.


COMPENSATION:  Do not let your knees bend as that is a different exercise. Do not shift your weight side to side. Make sure you go through your full range of motion at your ankle. This is not a balance exercise, so hold onto something to help with balance as the goal of this exercise is to strengthen your calves!
Seated Single Leg Heel Raise
2 Sets
30s Reps
HOW: Sit down with your foot directly below your knee. You will be performing this exercise with only one leg. Drive the balls of your feet into the ground and raise your heels off the ground. Your knees should come up in the position while the balls of your feet remain in contact with the floor. If you would like, you can increase the difficulty of the exercise by pushing on your knees with your upper body or by putting weights on your lap.


FEEL: You should feel your calf muscles working to lift your heels off the ground.


COMPENSATION: When you lift your heels off the ground, ensure that you do not lose contact with your big toe against the ground. Continue to push hard through your big toe to lift your heels. 
Bridge - Isometric Heel Raise
2 Sets
30s Reps


HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground. Lift your heels off of the ground while pushing your toes into the ground. From here, continue to push into the ground with your heels floating, while you lift your hips up into the air creating a bridge. Hold that bridge for as long as prescribed and repeat.

FEEL: You should feel your calf muscles working as well as your core muscles engaged during the bridge. 

COMPENSATION: Keep your back flat as you bridge up. Don’t let your heels touch the ground as you bridge up as well. 

Single Leg Heel Raise – Knee Bent
both Side
3 Sets
8 Reps
3 X week
HOW: Slightly bend your knee with your toe pointed forward. Use a wall for balance and push through the balls of your foot raising your heels off of the ground. Your entire body should be going up with the heel raise. Push through all of your toes, especially your big toe. Slowly lower your heel back down to the ground.


FEEL: You should feel your calf muscles working.


COMPENSATION: Don’t straighten your knee. Keep your toe pointed forward as you perform the raise.
Wall Calf Stretch - Knee Bent
both Side
3 Sets
20 seconds Hold
daily X week
HOW: Get set-up standing with a wall in front of you and place your hands on the wall. Take a step back with the side you plan to stretch, let the knee be bent and keep it bent. While keeping the foot you stepped back with flat on the ground, knee bent, and toes facing 12 o’clock, slowly lean and shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch.


FEEL: You should feel a stretch in the calf of the foot that is behind you, specifically lower in your calf above your ankle. You shouldn’t feel pain or a pinch in front of your ankle.


COMPENSATION: Be sure to keep your back foot facing 12 o’clock, do not let your foot turn out or in. Try to keep your heel down. Be sure to keep the knee bent