FEEL: You should feel your calves getting a workout.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rolling onto you forefeet, this is designed to be a heel raise. Go slow! Control the lowering. Make sure you go through your full range of motion at your ankle.
FEEL: You should feel the muscles in the front of your shin and on the outside of your shin working.
COMPENSATION: Do not lift your heel, maintain knee and heel position.
FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your lower leg working as well as your thigh muscles.
COMPENSATION: Keep your toes pointed up while holding the kettlebell and straightening your leg.
FEEL: You should feel your lower leg and thigh muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Don’t bring your ankles directly under your knees, have them out a bit further to get more ankle motion.
FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your foot arch and in your lower leg working to control the rotation.
COMPENSATION: Don’t let the band control you! Really focus on controlling all the motion with your foot muscles, instead of your core or shoulder muscles.
FEEL: You should feel the thigh muscles and the butt muscles working in the leg that is on the box/step.
COMPENSATION: Avoid letting your knee cave in as you step up and step down. Make sure you have equal weight distribution throughout your whole foot the entire time. Avoid pushing off the ground with your back leg as you are stepping up. Don’t step down to fast – try to control it.
FEEL: You should feel all the muscles in your legs working, but especially your quadriceps muscles. Your front leg should be doing most of the lifting.
COMPENSATION: Do not push too much through your back leg. It is OKAY for your knees to go past your toes – that is normal!
FEEL: You should feel your lower body muscles working during the squat. You should also feel your hip muscles working extra to push the band outward.
COMPENSATION: Don’t cheat yourself on the times prescribed.
FEEL: You should feel all of the thigh muscles and butt muscles working in the leg that you are standing on.
COMPENSATION: Don’t let the knees cave in or bow out. Be sure to maintain equal weight distribution throughout the entire foot of the standing leg.
FEEL: You should feel your hip muscles working.
COMPENSATION: Keep tension in the band at all times. Stay in a small squat position as well.