FEEL: You will feel the stretch on the front of your thigh.
COMPENSATION: Avoid arching your back as you perform this exercise. You can prevent this by tucking your tailbone underneath you prior to bending your knee.
FEEL: You should feel a stretch in your quad and hip.
COMPENSATION: Keep your back upright while you move your body forward.
FEEL: You should feel this stretch on the front of the hip on the back leg.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rotating the back leg out and arching the back
FEEL: You should feel your hamstrings muscles stretching.
COMPENSATION: Keep the leg on the wall relaxed, don’t move the foot.
FEEL: You should feel the outer hip, particularly the glute muscles with this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Avoid rotating your entire trunk with this exercise. Make sure the shoulder that is facing the ceiling stay in front of the shoulder that is against the floor.
FEEL: You should feel your glutes work to control this motion. At no point should you feel your low back muscles doing the lifting motion. If you feel it only in your hamstrings, try bending your knees a bit more and repeat.
COMPENSATION: Avoid arching at the low back as you perform this.
FEEL: You will feel your shoulder, hip, and core working – specifically the side facing the floor.
COMPENSATION: Avoid allowing your shoulder blade to sag back. Avoid allowing your hips to dip towards the floor when holding at the top
FEEL: You should feel the abdominal muscles engaging while you perform this exercise.
COMPENSATION: Do not let your low back arch
FEEL: You should feel an entire contraction of the front thigh muscles and your leg working hard.
COMPENSATION: You should not be feeling these exercise exclusively in the front of your hip. If you only feel the muscles in the front of your hip working, it means you are not squeezing your thigh hard enough or you’re are not squeezing the quads when you are lifting your leg. Maintaining the thigh squeeze is the most important part of this exercise!